Der „Deutsche Gesundheitsbericht Diabetes“ wird jedes Jahr neu aufgelegt und beinhaltet die aktuellsten Zahlen und Entwicklungen zur Erkrankung Diabetes mellitus in Deutschland. Er wird in Zusammenarbeit mit zahlreichen Fachexperten erstellt und von der Deutschen Diabetes Gesellschaft herausgegeben.

Deutscher Gesundheitsbericht Diabetes 2022 – Literaturlisten

Klicken Sie auf eine Kapitelüberschrift, um die jeweilige Literaturliste einzusehen:

Epidemiologie des Diabetes in Deutschland (S. 9-15)
  1. Tönnies T, Röckl S, Hoyer A, et al. (2019) Projected number of people with diagnosed Type 2 diabetes in Germany in 2040. Diabet Med 36: 1217-1225
  2. Rosenbauer J, Neu A, Rothe U, Seufert J, Holl RW (2019) Types of diabetes are not limited to age groups: type 1 diabetes in adults and type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents. Journal of Health Monitoring 4: 10.25646/25987
  3. Heidemann C, Scheidt-Nave C (2017) Prevalence, incidence and mortality of diabetes mellitus in adults in Germany – A review in the framework of the Diabetes Surveillance. Journal of Health Monitoring 2: 98-121
  4. Jacobs E, Rathmann W (2017) Epidemiologie des Diabetes. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 12: 437-446
  5. Goffrier B, Schulz M, Bätzing-Feigenbaum J (2017) Administrative Prävalenzen und Inzidenzen des Diabetes mellitus von 2009 bis 2015. Versorgungsatlas-Bericht 17/03: 10.20364/VA-20317.20303
  6. Schmidt C, Reitzle L, Dreß J, Rommel A, Ziese T, Heidemann C (2020) Prävalenz und Inzidenz des dokumentierten Diabetes mellitus – Referenzauswertung für die Diabetes-Surveillance auf Basis von Daten aller gesetzlich Krankenversicherten. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 63: 93-102
  7. Heidemann C, Du Y, Paprott R, Haftenberger M, Rathmann W, Scheidt-Nave C (2016) Temporal changes in the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes, undiagnosed diabetes and prediabetes: findings from the German Health Interview and Examination Surveys in 1997–1999 and 2008–2011. Diabet Med 33: 1406-1414
  8. Boehme MWJ, Buechele G, Frankenhauser-Mannuss J, et al. (2015) Prevalence, incidence and concomitant co-morbidities of type 2 diabetes mellitus in South Western Germany - a retrospective cohort and case control study in claims data of a large statutory health insurance. BMC Public Health 15: 855
  9. Carstensen B, Rønn PF, Jørgensen ME (2020) Prevalence, incidence and mortality of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in Denmark 1996–2016. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 8: e001071
  10. Gregg EW, Cheng YJ, Srinivasan M, et al. (2018) Trends in cause-specific mortality among adults with and without diagnosed diabetes in the USA: an epidemiological analysis of linked national survey and vital statistics data. Lancet 391: 2430-2440
  11. Carstensen B, Kristensen JK, Ottosen P, Borch-Johnsen K, on behalf of the steering group of the National Diabetes R (2008) The Danish National Diabetes Register: trends in incidence, prevalence and mortality. Diabetologia 51: 2187-2196
  12. Tönnies T, Heidemann C, Paprott R, et al. (2021) Estimating the impact of tax policy interventions on the projected number and prevalence of adults with type 2 diabetes in Germany between 2020 and 2040. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 9: e001813
  13. Rathmann W, Haastert B, Icks A, et al. (2003) High prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus in Southern Germany: Target populations for efficient screening. The KORA survey 2000. Diabetologia 46: 182-189
  14. Meisinger C, Strassburger K, Heier M, et al. (2010) Prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes and impaired glucose regulation in 35–59-year-old individuals in Southern Germany: the KORA F4 Study. Diabet Med 27: 360-362
  15. Graf C (2018) Regionale Prävalenzen des Diabetes mellitus in Deutschland. unter: (abgerufen am 13. Juli 2021)
  16. Kauhl B, Pieper J, Schweikart J, Keste A, Moskwyn M (2018) Die räumliche Verbreitung des Typ 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Berlin – Die Anwendung einer geografisch gewichteten Regressionsanalyse zur Identifikation ortsspezifischer Risikogruppen. Gesundheitswesen 80: S64-S70
  17. Kauhl B, Schweikart J, Krafft T, Keste A, Moskwyn M (2016) Do the risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus vary by location? A spatial analysis of health insurance claims in Northeastern Germany using kernel density estimation and geographically weighted regression. Int J Health Geogr 15: 38
  18. Heidemann C, Kuhnert R, Born S, Scheidt-Nave C (2017) 12-Monats-Prävalenz des bekannten Diabetes mellitus in Deutschland. J Health Monitoring 2: 48–56
  19. Wissenschaftliches Institut der AOK (WIdO) (2019) Gesundheitsatlas Deutschland, Diabetes mellitus Typ 2. unter: (abgerufen am 13 Juli 2021)
  20. Tamayo T, Schipf S, Meisinger C, et al. (2014) Regional Differences of Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes Prevalence Are Not Explained by Known Risk Factors. PLOS ONE 9: e113154
  21. Stöckl D, Rückert-Eheberg I-M, Heier M, et al. (2016) Regional Variability of Lifestyle Factors and Hypertension with Prediabetes and Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Population-Based KORA-F4 and SHIP-TREND Studies in Germany. PLOS ONE 11: e0156736
  22. Maier W, Holle R, Hunger M, et al. (2013) The impact of regional deprivation and individual socio-economic status on the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in Germany. A pooled analysis of five population-based studies. Diabet Med 30: e78-e86
  23. Castillo-Reinado K, Maier W, Holle R, et al. (2020) Associations of area deprivation and urban/rural traits with the incidence of type 1 diabetes: analysis at the municipality level in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Diabet Med 37: 2089-2097
  24. Auzanneau M, Lanzinger S, Bohn B, et al. (2018) Area Deprivation and Regional Disparities in Treatment and Outcome Quality of 29,284 Pediatric Patients With Type 1 Diabetes in Germany: A Cross-sectional Multicenter DPV Analysis. Diabetes Care 41: 2517-2525
  25. Kroll LE, Schumann M, Hoebel J, Lampert T (2017) Regionale Unterschiede in der Gesundheit–Entwicklung eines sozioökonomischen Deprivationsindex für Deutschland. Journal of Health Monitoring 2: 103-120
  26. Greiser E, Glaeske G (2013) Soziale und ökonomische Folgen nächtlichen Fluglärms im Umfeld des Flughafens Frankfurt/Main. Gesundheitswesen 75: 127-133
  27. Krämer U, Herder C, Sugiri D, et al. (2010) Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the SALIA Cohort Study. Environ Health Perspect 118: 1273-1279
  28. Dendup T, Feng X, Clingan S, Astell-Burt T (2018) Environmental Risk Factors for Developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health 15: 78
  29. Eze IC, Hemkens LG, Bucher HC, et al. (2015) Association between Ambient Air Pollution and Diabetes Mellitus in Europe and North America: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Environ Health Perspect 123: 381-389
  30. Paquet C, Coffee NT, Haren MT, et al. (2014) Food environment, walkability, and public open spaces are associated with incident development of cardio-metabolic risk factors in a biomedical cohort. Health Place 28: 173-176
  31. Lucht SA, Hennig F, Matthiessen C, et al. (2018) Air Pollution and Glucose Metabolism: An Analysis in Non-Diabetic Participants of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Environ Health Perspect 126: 047001
  32. den Braver NR, Lakerveld J, Rutters F, Schoonmade LJ, Brug J, Beulens JWJ (2018) Built environmental characteristics and diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Med 16: 12
  33. Kartschmit N, Sutcliffe R, Sheldon MP, et al. (2020) Walkability and its association with walking/cycling and body mass index among adults in different regions of Germany: a cross-sectional analysis of pooled data from five German cohorts. BMJ Open 10: e033941
  34. Kartschmit N, Sutcliffe R, Sheldon MP, et al. (2020) Walkability and its association with prevalent and incident diabetes among adults in different regions of Germany: results of pooled data from five German cohorts. BMC Endocr Disord 20: 7
  35. Tamayo T, Brinks R, Hoyer A, Kuß O, Rathmann W (2016) The Prevalence and Incidence of Diabetes in Germany: An Analysis of Statutory Health Insurance Data on 65 Million Individuals From the Years 2009 and 2010. Dtsch Arztebl Int 113: 177-182
  36. Jacobs E, Hoyer A, Brinks R, Kuss O, Rathmann W (2017) Burden of Mortality Attributable to Diagnosed Diabetes: A Nationwide Analysis Based on Claims Data From 65 Million People in Germany. Diabetes Care 40: 1703-1709
  37. Schmidt C, Reitzle L, Heidemann C, et al. (2021) Excess mortality in adults with documented diabetes in Germany: routine data analysis of all insurance claims in Germany 2013–2014. BMJ Open 11: e041508
  38. Nanayakkara N, Curtis AJ, Heritier S, et al. (2021) Impact of age at type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosis on mortality and vascular complications: systematic review and meta-analyses. Diabetologia 64: 275-287
  39. Lind M, Garcia-Rodriguez LA, Booth GL, et al. (2013) Mortality trends in patients with and without diabetes in Ontario, Canada and the UK from 1996 to 2009: a population-based study. Diabetologia 56: 2601-2608
  40. Chen L, Islam RM, Wang J, et al. (2020) A systematic review of trends in all-cause mortality among people with diabetes. Diabetologia 63: 1718-1735
  41. Lung TWC, Hayes AJ, Herman WH, Si L, Palmer AJ, Clarke PM (2014) A Meta-Analysis of the Relative Risk of Mortality for Type 1 Diabetes Patients Compared to the General Population: Exploring Temporal Changes in Relative Mortality. PLOS ONE 9: e113635
  42. Sandahl K, Nielsen LB, Svensson J, et al. (2017) Increased mortality in a Danish cohort of young people with Type 1 diabetes mellitus followed for 24 years. Diabet Med 34: 380-386
  43. Grauslund J (2010) Long-term mortality and retinopathy in type 1 diabetes. Acta Ophthalmol 88: 1-14
  44. Baumert J, Heidemann C, Reitzle L, Schmidt C (2021) Gesunde Lebensjahre bei Personen mit und ohne Diabetes in Deutschland. Journal of Health Monitoring 6: 46-53

Risikoscreening, Risikokommunikation und Präventionsverhaltensmaßnahmen (S. 16-24)
  1. Ernst JB, Arens-Azevêdo U, Bitzer B, Bosy-Westphal A, de Zwaan M, Egert S, Fritsche A, Gerlach S, Hauner H, Heseker H, Koletzko B, Müller-Wieland D, Schulze M, Virmani K, Watzl B, Buyken AE für Deutsche Adipositas-Gesellschaft, Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft und Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung. Quantitative Empfehlung zur Zuckerzufuhr in Deutschland. Bonn, 2018
  2. Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, Hamman RF, Lachin JM, Walker EA, et al. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. New Engl J Med. 2002;346(6):393-403.
  3. Nauck M, Gerdes C, Petersmann A, Müller-Wieland D, Müller UA, Freckmann G, Heinemann L, Schleicher E, Landgraf R. Definition, Klassifikation und Diagnostik des Diabetes mellitus: Update 2020. Diabetologie 2020; 15 (Suppl 1): S9–S17
  4. American Diabetes Association 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2021. Diabetes Care 2021 Jan;44(Suppl 1):S15-S33
  5. Chung WK, Erion K, Florez JC, Hattersley AT, Hivert MF, Lee CG, McCarthy MI, Nolan JJ, Norris JM, Pearson ER, Philipson L, McElvaine AT, Cefalu WT, Rich SS, Franks PW. Precision medicine in diabetes: a Consensus Report from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetologia 2020 Sep;63(9):1671-1693
  6. Kengne AP, Beulens JW, Peelen LM, Moons KG, van der Schouw YT, Schulze MB, et al. Non-invasive risk scores for prediction of type 2 diabetes (EPIC-InterAct): a validation of existing models. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2014;2(1):19-29.
  7. Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung Potsdam-Rehbrücke. DIfE – DEUTSCHER DIABETES-RISIKO-TEST®. Diabetologie 2020; 15 (Suppl 1): S266–S269
  8. FINDRISK – Test. Diabetologie 2020; 15 (Suppl 1): S264–S265
  9. Paprott R, Muhlenbruch K, Mensink GB, Thiele S, Schulze MB, Scheidt-Nave C, et al. Validation of the German Diabetes Risk Score among the general adult population: findings from the German Health Interview and Examination Surveys. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2016;4(1):e000280
  10. Schuppenies A, Jacobey H, Bornstein S, Schwarz PEH. Ernährungs-Umschau 2006;53(10):386-389
  11. Schulze MB, Hoffmann K, Boeing H, Linseisen J, Rohrmann S, Mohlig M, et al. An accurate risk score based on anthropometric, dietary, and lifestyle factors to predict the development of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2007;30(3):510-5.
  12. Muhlenbruch K, Ludwig T, Jeppesen C, Joost HG, Rathmann W, Meisinger C, et al. Update of the German Diabetes Risk Score and external validation in the German MONICA/KORA study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2014;104(3):459-66
  13. Muhlenbruch K, Paprott R, Joost HG, Boeing H, Heidemann C, Schulze MB. Derivation and external validation of a clinical version of the German Diabetes Risk Score (GDRS) including measures of HbA1c. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2018;6(1):e000524.
  14. Paprott R, Mensink GBM, Schulze MB, Thiele S, Muhlenbruch K, Scheidt-Nave C, et al. Temporal changes in predicted risk of type 2 diabetes in Germany: findings from the German Health Interview and Examination Surveys 1997-1999 and 2008-2011. BMJ open 2017;7(7):e013058
  15. Gesetz zur Stärkung der Gesundheitsförderung und der Prävention vom 17. Juli 2015. Sect. Bundesgesetzblatt Jahrgang 2015 Teil I Nr.31.
  16. Bauer S, Geiger L, Niggemann R, Seidel J. Mediziner Dienst des Spitzenverbandes, Bund der Krankenkassen e.V. (MDS). Präventionsbericht 2020, Berichtsjahr 2019
  17. Schempp N, Strippel H. Mediziner Dienst des Spitzenverbandes, Bund der Krankenkassen e.V. (MDS). Präventionsbericht 2017, Berichtsjahr 2016
  18. Bauer S, Römer K, Mediziner Dienst des Spitzenverbandes, Bund der Krankenkassen e.V. (MDS). Präventionsbericht 2018, Berichtsjahr 2017
  19. Bauer S, Römer K, Geiger L. Mediziner Dienst des Spitzenverbandes, Bund der Krankenkassen e.V. (MDS). Präventionsbericht 2019, Berichtsjahr 2018
  20. Weinstein ND. Perceived probability, perceived severity, and health-protective behavior. Health Psychol 2000;19,65-74
  21. Weinstein ND. Unrealistic optimism about future life events. J Pers Soc Psychol 1980;39,806-820
  22. Heidemann C, Paprott R, Stühmann LM, Baumert J, Mühlenbruch K, Hansen S, Schiborn C, Zahn D, Gellert P, Scheid-Nave C. Perceived diabetes risk and related determinants in individuals with high actual diabetes risk: results from a nationwide population-based survey. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2019;7:e000680
  23. Bandura A. Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychol Rev 1977; 84,191-215
  24. Schiborn C, Schulze MB. Diabetesrisikoscores: Einsatz in der Diabetesprävention. Diabetologe 2020;16,226-233

Ernährung in der Diabetesprävention: Aspekte 2021/22 (S. 25-32)
  1. Pan XR, Li GW, Hu YH, et al. Effects of diet and exercise in preventing NIDDM in people with impaired glucose tolerance. The Da Qing IGT and Diabetes Study. Diabetes Care. 1997;20(4):537-544.
  2. Uusitupa M, Louheranta A, Lindström J, et al. The Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study. Br J Nutr. 2000;83
  3. Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, et al. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N Engl J Med. 2002;346(6):393-403.
  4. Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Mary S, et al. The Indian Diabetes Prevention Programme shows that lifestyle modification and metformin prevent type 2 diabetes in Asian Indian subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IDPP-1). Diabetologia. 2006;49(2):289-297.
  5. Shirinzadeh M, Afshin-Pour B, Angeles R, Gaber J, Agarwal G. The effect of community-based programs on dia-betes prevention in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Global Health. 2019 Feb 1;15(1):10.
  6. DREAM (Diabetes REduction Assessment with ramipril and rosiglitazone Medication) Trial Investigators, Ger-stein HC, Yusuf S, et al. Effect of rosiglitazone on the frequency of diabetes in patients with impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose: a randomised controlled trial [published correction appears in Lancet. 2006 Nov 18;368(9549):1770]. Lancet. 2006;368(9541):1096-1105.
  7. Haw JS, Galaviz KI, Straus AN, Kowalski AJ, Magee MJ, Weber MB, Wei J, Narayan KMV, Ali MK. Long-term Sus-tainability of Diabetes Prevention Approaches: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Dec 1;177(12):1808-1817.
  8. Seral-Cortes M, De Miguel-Etayo P, Zapata P, Miguel-Berges ML, Moreno LA. Effectiveness and process evalua-tion in obesity and type 2 diabetes prevention programs in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health. 2021 Feb 12;21(1):348.
  9. Guo XY, Shu J, Fu XH, Chen XP, Zhang L, Ji MX, Liu XM, Yu TT, Sheng JZ, Huang HF. Improving the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions for gestational diabetes prevention: a meta-analysis and meta-regression. BJOG. 2019 Feb;126(3):311-320.
  10. Pang B, Zhao LH, Li XL, Song J, Li QW, Liao X, Feng S, Zhao XY, Zheng YJ, Gou XW, Ni Q, Tong XL. Different inter-vention strategies for preventing type 2 diabetes mellitus in China: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Mar;20(3):718-722.
  11. Gong Q, Zhang P, Wang J, et al. Morbidity and mortality after lifestyle intervention for people with impaired glucose tolerance: 30-year results of the Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Outcome Study. Lancet Diabetes Endo-crinol. 2019;7(6):452-461.
  12. D.M. Nathan, E. Barrett-Connor, J.P. Crandall, S.L. Edelstein, R.B. Goldberg, E.S. Horton, et al. Long-term effects of lifestyle intervention or metformin on diabetes development and microvascular complica-tions over 15-year follow-up: The Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol., 3 (11) (2015)
  13. Look AHEAD Research Group, Wing RR, Bolin P, Brancati FL, Bray GA, Clark JM, Coday M, Crow RS, Curtis JM, Egan CM, Espeland MA, Evans M, Foreyt JP, Ghazarian S, Gregg EW, Harrison B, Hazuda HP, Hill JO, Horton ES, Hubbard VS, Jakicic JM, Jeffery RW, Johnson KC, Kahn SE, Kitabchi AE, Knowler WC, Lewis CE, Maschak-Carey BJ, Montez MG, Murillo A, Nathan DM, Patricio J, Peters A, Pi-Sunyer X, Pownall H, Reboussin D, Regensteiner JG, Rickman AD, Ryan DH, Safford M, Wadden TA, Wagenknecht LE, West DS, Williamson DF, Yanovski SZ. Cardiovas-cular effects of intensive lifestyle intervention in type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2013 Jul 11;369(2):145-54.
  14. Glechner A, Keuchel L, Affengruber L, Titscher V, Sommer I, Matyas N, Wagner G, Kien C, Klerings I, Gartlehner G. Effects of lifestyle changes on adults with prediabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Prim Care Dia-betes. 2018 Oct;12(5):393-408.
  15. Galaviz KI, Weber MB, Straus A, Haw JS, Narayan KMV, Ali MK. Global Diabetes Prevention Interventions: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of the Real-World Impact on Incidence, Weight, and Glucose. Diabetes Care. 2018 Jul;41(7):1526-1534.
  16. Wolfram G, Bechthold A, Boeing H, et al. Evidence-Based Guideline of the German Nutrition Society: Fat Intake and Prevention of Selected Nutrition-Related Diseases. Ann Nutr Metab. 2015;67(3):141-204.
  17. Neuenschwander M, Ballon A, Weber KS, et al. Role of diet in type 2 diabetes incidence: umbrella review of meta-analyses of prospective observational studies. BMJ. 2019;366:l2368. Published 2019 Jul 3.
  18. Ramsden CE, Zamora D, Majchrzak-Hong S, et al. Re-evaluation of the traditional diet-heart hypothesis: analysis of recovered data from Minnesota Coronary Experiment (1968-73). BMJ. 2016;353:i1246.
  19. Oh K, Hu FB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. Dietary fat intake and risk of coronary heart disease in women: 20 years of follow-up of the nurses‘ health study. Am J Epidemiol. 2005;161(7):672-679.
  20. Meng Y, Bai H, Wang S, Li Z, Wang Q, Chen L. Efficacy of low carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus management: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2017;131:124-131.
  21. Huntriss R, Campbell M, Bedwell C. The interpretation and effect of a low-carbohydrate diet in the manage-ment of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2018;72(3):311-325.
  22. Neuenschwander M, Hoffmann G, Schwingshackl L, Schlesinger S. Impact of different dietary approaches on blood lipid control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Eur J Epidemiol. 2019;34(9):837-852.
  23. Suyoto PST. Effect of low-carbohydrate diet on markers of renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes: A meta-analysis. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2018;34(7):e3032.
  24. Goldenberg JZ, Day A, Brinkworth GD, Sato J, Yamada S, Jönsson T, Beardsley J, Johnson JA, Thabane L, Johnston BC. Efficacy and safety of low and very low carbohydrate diets for type 2 diabetes remission: systematic review and meta-analysis of published and unpublished randomized trial data. BMJ. 2021 Jan 13;372:m4743.
  25. Estruch R, Ros E, Salas-Salvadó J, et al. Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet Supplemented with Extra-Virgin Olive Oil or Nuts. N Engl J Med. 2018;378(25):e34.
  26. De Lorgeril M, Salen P, Martin JL, et al. Effect of a mediterranean type of diet on the rate of cardiovascular complications in patients with coronary artery disease. Insights into the cardioprotective effect of certain nutri-ments. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1996;28(5):1103-1108.
  27. Schwingshackl L, Chaimani A, Hoffmann G, Schwedhelm C, Boeing H. A network meta-analysis on the compara-tive efficacy of different dietary approaches on glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Eur J Epidemiol. 2018;33(2):157-170.
  28. Schwingshackl L, Chaimani A, Schwedhelm C, et al. Comparative effects of different dietary approaches on blood pressure in hypertensive and pre-hypertensive patients: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2019;59(16):2674-2687.
  29. Neuenschwander M, Hoffmann G, Schwingshackl L, Schlesinger S. Impact of different dietary approaches on blood lipid control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Eur J Epidemiol. 2019;34(9):837-852.
  30. Weickert MO, Roden M, Isken F, Hoffmann D, Nowotny P, Osterhoff M, Blaut M, Alpert C, Gögebakan O, Bumke-Vogt C, Mueller F, Machann J, Barber TM, Petzke KJ, Hierholzer J, Hornemann S, Kruse M, Illner AK, Kohl A, Loeffelholz CV, Arafat AM, Möhlig M, Pfeiffer AF. Effects of supplemented isoenergetic diets differing in cere-al fiber and protein content on insulin sensitivity in overweight humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Aug;94(2):459-71.
  31. Honsek C, Kabisch S, Kemper M, Gerbracht C, Arafat AM, Birkenfeld AL, Dambeck U, Osterhoff MA, Weickert MO, Pfeiffer AFH. Fibre supplementation for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and improvement of glucose metabolism: the randomised controlled Optimal Fibre Trial (OptiFiT). Diabetologia. 2018 Jun;61(6):1295-1305.
  32. Roberts S, Barry E, Craig D, Airoldi M, Bevan G, Greenhalgh T. Preventing type 2 diabetes: systematic review of studies of cost-effectiveness of lifestyle programmes and metformin, with and without screening, for pre-diabetes. BMJ Open. 2017 Nov 15;7(11):e017184.
  33. Matthias Blüher, Metabolically Healthy Obesity, Endocrine Reviews, Volume 41, Issue 3, June 2020, Pages 405–420
  34. Ahlqvist E, Storm P, Käräjämäki A, Martinell M, Dorkhan M, Carlsson A, Vikman P, Prasad RB, Aly DM, Almgren P, Wessman Y, Shaat N, Spégel P, Mulder H, Lindholm E, Melander O, Hansson O, Malmqvist U, Lernmark Å, Lahti K, Forsén T, Tuomi T, Rosengren AH, Groop L. Novel subgroups of adult-onset diabetes and their association with outcomes: a data-driven cluster analysis of six variables. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2018 May;6(5):361-369.
  35. Stidsen JV, Henriksen JE, Olsen MH, Thomsen RW, Nielsen JS, Rungby J, Ulrichsen SP, Berencsi K, Kahlert JA, Friborg SG, Brandslund I, Nielsen AA, Christiansen JS, Sørensen HT, Olesen TB, Beck-Nielsen H. Pathophysiology-based phenotyping in type 2 diabetes: A clinical classification tool. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2018 Jul;34(5):e3005.
  36. Zaharia OP, Strassburger K, Strom A, Bönhof GJ, Karusheva Y, Antoniou S, Bódis K, Markgraf DF, Burkart V, Müssig K, Hwang JH, Asplund O, Groop L, Ahlqvist E, Seissler J, Nawroth P, Kopf S, Schmid SM, Stumvoll M, Pfeiffer AFH, Kabisch
  37. S, Tselmin S, Häring HU, Ziegler D, Kuss O, Szendroedi J, Roden M; German Diabetes Study Group. Risk of diabetes-associated diseases in subgroups of patients with recent-onset diabetes: a 5-year follow-up study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2019 Sep;7(9):684-694.
  38. Wagner R, Heni M, Tabák AG, Machann J, Schick F, Randrianarisoa E, Hrabě de Angelis M, Birkenfeld AL, Stefan N, Peter A, Häring HU, Fritsche A. Pathophysiology-based subphenotyping of individuals at elevated risk for type 2 diabetes. Nat Med. 2021 Jan;27(1):49-57.
  39. Perreault L, Kahn SE, Christophi CA, Knowler WC, Hamman RF; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Regression from pre-diabetes to normal glucose regulation in the diabetes prevention program. Diabetes Care. 2009 Sep;32(9):1583-8.
  40. DREAM Trial Investigators, Dagenais GR, Gerstein HC, Holman R, Budaj A, Escalante A, Hedner T, Keltai M, Lonn E, McFarlane S, McQueen M, Teo K, Sheridan P, Bosch J, Pogue J, Yusuf S. Effects of ramipril and rosiglitazone on cardiovascular and renal outcomes in people with impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose: re-sults of the Diabetes REduction Assessment with ramipril and rosiglitazone Medication (DREAM) trial. Diabetes Care. 2008 May;31(5):1007-14.
  41. Hjorth MF, Bray GA, Zohar Y, Urban L, Miketinas DC, Williamson DA, Ryan DH, Rood J, Champagne CM, Sacks FM, Astrup A. Pretreatment Fasting Glucose and Insulin as Determinants of Weight Loss on Diets Varying in Mac-ronutrients and Dietary Fibers-The POUNDS LOST Study. Nutrients. 2019 Mar 11;11(3):586.
  42. Hjorth MF, Ritz C, Blaak EE, Saris WH, Langin D, Poulsen SK, Larsen TM, Sørensen TI, Zohar Y, Astrup A. Pre-treatment fasting plasma glucose and insulin modify dietary weight loss success: results from 3 randomized clini-cal trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Aug;106(2):499-505.
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Ketoazidose bei Manifestation des Typ-1-Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen während der COVID-19-Pandemie (S. 71-76)
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DiaLife: Strukturierte Schulung für Angehörige (S. 77-83)
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Krise als Chance – telemedizinische Optionen (S. 84-89)
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Diabetes und Augenerkrankungen (S. 90-102)
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Diabetes und Fußprobleme in Deutschland 2021: ein Update (S. 122-132)
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Diabetes mellitus – Herzerkrankungen – Schlaganfall (S. 133-144)
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  26. Cosentino F, Grant PJ, Aboyans V, et al. 2019; ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD. Eur Heart J. 2020;41(2):255-323
  27. Forst T, Jacob S. ESC/ EASD-Guidelines 2019 – Was muss man wissen?. Kompendium Diabetes 2020:14-18
  28. Arnott C, Li Q, Kang A et al., Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Am Heart Assoc.2020 Feb 4;9(3):e014908
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  33. Dhatariya K, Bain SC, Buse JB et al. The Impact of Liraglutide on Diabetes-Related Foot Ulceration and Associated Complications in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes at High Risk for Cardiovascular Events: Results From the LEADER Trial. Diabetes Care. 2018 Oct;41(10):2229-2235

Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen (S. 145-157)
  1. Schienkiewitz A, Brettschneider AK, Damerow S, Schaffrath Rosario A (2018). Übergewicht und Adipositas im Kindes und Jugendalter in Deutschland – Querschnittsergebnisse aus KiGGS Welle 2 und trends. J HealthMonit 3; DOI 10.17886/RKI-GBE-2018-005 Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin
  2. Rosenbauer J, Neu A, Rothe U, Seufert J, Holl RW. Diabetestypen sind nicht auf Altersgruppen beschränkt: Typ 1 Diabetes bei Erwachsenen und Typ 2 Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. J Health Monitor 2019; 4 DOI 10.25646/5981
  3. Bendas A, Rothe U, Kiess W, Kapellen TM, Stange T, Manuwald U, Sazsieder E, Holl RW, Schoffer O, Stahl-Pehe A, Giani G, Ehehalt S, Neu A, Rosenbauer J. Trends in incidenceratesduring 1999-2008 andprevalence in 2008 of childhood type 1 diabetes in Germany – Model-based National estimates. PLoSOne 2015 Jul 16;10(7):e0132716. doi: 10.1371/
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  5. Ziegler AG, Kick, K, Bonifacio E et al. Yield of a Public Health Screening of children for islet cellantibodies in Bavaria, Germany. JAMA 2020; 323:339-351
  6. Datz N, Kordonouri O, Danne T. Wenn Menschen mit Typ 1 Diabetes erwachsen werden: Diabetestechnologie und Transition – brauchen wir neue Modelle? Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2021; 146: 1-6
  7. Von Sengbusch S, Dördelmann J, Lemke S, Lange K, Hiort O, Katalinic A, Frielitz F: Parental expectations before and after 12-month experience with video consultations combined with regular outpatient care for children with type 1 diabetes: A qualitative study. Diabetic Medicine. 2020 May 7. doi: 10.1055/a-1149-8814.
  8. Dehn-Hindenberg A, Lange K. Eltern von Kindern mit Typ-1-Diabetes: Folgen für Berufstätigkeit, psycho-soziale Belastungen und Bedarf an Unterstützungsleistungen – Ergebnisse der AMBA-Studie. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2019; 14(S 01): S69 DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1688306
  9. Danne T, Kordonouri O. COVID-19 und Typ-1-Diabetes: Wer ist besonders gefährdet? Kinder: Risiko Ketoazidose. Diabetologe 2021:
  10. Danne T, Kordonouri O. COVID-19 und Typ-1-Diabetes: Wer ist besonders gefährdet? Kinder: Risiko Ketoazidose. Diabetologe 2021:
  11. Holder M, Ehehalt S. Significant reduction of ketoacidosis at diabetes onset in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes—The Stuttgart Diabetes Awareness Campaign, Germany. Ped Diabetes 2020;21: 1227-1231

Diabetestechnologie: ein Update (S. 171-176)
  1. Frielitz FS, Schlüter S, Heinemann L et al. Der Auftragsverarbeitungsvertrag (AV-Vertrag): Relevanz und praktische Bedeutung für die Diabetologie. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2020. doi:10.1055/a-1185-8945. doi:10.1055/a-1185-8945
  2. Pleus S, Baumstark A, Jendrike N et al. System accuracy evaluation of 18 CE-marked current-generation blood glucose monitoring systems based on EN ISO 15197:2015. BMJ open diabetes research & care 2020; 8. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2019-001067
  3. Pleus S, Baumstark A, Jendrike N et al. Bewertung der Genauigkeit von Blutzuckermesssystemen, die von Krankenkassen zur Verordnung empfohlen werden, in Anlehnung an DIN EN ISO 15197: 2015. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2021; 16; Vortrag, Diabetes Kongress 2021 - 55. Jahrestagung der DDG
  4. Heinemann L, Drossel D, Kaltheuner M. DiaDigital, Apps und digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen. Der Diabetologe 2020; 17: 275-282. doi:10.1007/s11428-020-00700-0
  5. Heinemann L, Deiss D, Siegmund T et al. Glukosemessung und -kontrolle bei Patienten mit Typ-1- oder Typ-2-Diabetes. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2020; 15: S18-S39. doi:10.1055/a-1179-2865
  6. Freckmann G, Nichols JH, Hinzmann R et al. Standardization process of continuous glucose monitoring: Traceability and performance. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry 2021; 515: 5-12. doi:10.1016/j.cca.2020.12.025
  7. Heinemann L, Waldenmaier D, Kulzer B et al. Patch-Pumpen: Sind die alle gleich? Diabetes Stoffwechsel und Herz 2019; 28: 131 - 137
  8. Thomas A. Algorithmen für die automatisierte Regulierung der Insulinabgabe.
  9. Biester T, Bratina N, Lange K et al. Diabetesberatung zum Hybrid-AID-System bei Typ-1-Diabetes: neue Perspektiven und Therapieempfehlungen. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2020; 15: 147-156. doi:10.1055/a-1079-4577
  10. Ng SM. User‐driven, Open Source Diabetes Technology (special issue) Paediatric DIY APS. Diabetic Medicine 2021. e14630
  11. ESYSTA App & Portal – Digitales Diabetesmanagement.
  12. Maahs D. Overview of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Technology and Options—How Far Have We Come? In, ADA Scientific Sessions 2019. San Francisco; 2019
  13. Schlueter S, Freckmann G, Wernsing M et al. Entwicklung und psychometrische Evaluation eines herstellerunabhängigen Wissenstests zum kontinuierlichen Glukosemonitoring in Echtzeit für insulinbehandelte Menschen mit Diabetes. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2021. doi:10.1055/a-1492-5294. doi:10.1055/a-1492-5294
  14. Schluter S, Freckmann G, Heinemann L et al. Evaluation of the SPECTRUM training programme for real-time continuous glucose monitoring: A real-world multicentre prospective study in 120 adults with type 1 diabetes. Diabet Med 2021; 38: e14467. doi:10.1111/dme.14467

Disease-Management-Programm Adipositas: der Auftrag an den G-BA (S. 184-189)
  1. Deutsche Adipositas-Gesellschaft (DAG). Prävention und Therapie der Adipositas; S3-Leitlinie, Langversion; Version 2.0 [online]. AWMF-Registernummer 050/001 Berlin (GER): Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften (AWMF); 2014. [Zugriff: 12.07.2021]. URL:
  2. Bobbert T, Wernicke C. 396 Diabetes mellitus: Diagnostik, Klassifikation und Pathophysiologie. In: Suttorp N, Möckel M, Siegmund B, Dietel M (Eds). Harrisons Innere Medizin online; 20. Auflage. Berlin: ABW Wissenschaftsverlag; 2020. URL:
  3. Von Schwartzenberg R, Spranger J. Insulinresistenz und Diabetes mellitus Typ 2. In: Suttorp N, Möckel M, Siegmund B, Dietel M (Eds). Harrisons Innere Medizin online; 20. Auflage. Berlin: ABW Wissenschaftsverlag; 2020. URL:
  4. Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss. Beschluss „DMP-Anforderungen-Richtlinie: Nichtaufnahme eines Moduls Adipositas“ vom 22.05.2014. URL:

Betreuung von Menschen mit Diabetes in Apotheken (S. 190-195)
  1. (letzter Zugriff am 23.06.2021)
  2. (letzter Zugriff am 23.06.2021)
  3. (letzter Zugriff am 23.06.2021)
  4. Petersmann, Astrid; Müller-Wieland, Dirk; Müller, Ulrich A.; Landgraf, Rüdiger; Nauck, Matthias; Freckmann, Guido et al. (2020): Definition, Klassifikation und Diagnostik des Diabetes mellitus. In: Diabetologe 16 (3), S. 247–253. DOI: 10.1007/s11428-020-00606-x.
  5. Kleinwechter, Helmut; Demandt, Norbert; Nolte, Andreas (2021): Prädisposition/Phänotypen des Gestationsdiabetes mellitus. In: Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 16 (02), S. 109–123. DOI: 10.1055/a-1217-2233.
  6. (letzter Zugriff am 23.06.2021)

Psychosoziale Versorgung von Menschen mit Diabetes – aktuelle Aspekte (S. 211-218)
  1. Davies MJ, D'Alessio DA, Fradkin J, et al. Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes, 2018. A Consensus Report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetes Care. 2018;41(12):2669-2701.
  2. Delamater AM, de Wit M, McDarby V, et al. ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2018: Psychological care of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2018;19 (Suppl 27):237-249.
  3. American Diabetes Association. 13. Children and Adolescents: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2021. Diabetes Care. 2021;44(Suppl 1):S180-S199.
  4. American Diabetes Association. 12. Older Adults: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2021. Diabetes Care. 2021;44(Suppl 1):S168-S179.
  5. Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG) S3-Leitlinie Therapie des Typ-1-Diabetes, 2. Auflage AWMF-Registernummer: 057-013
  6. Zeyfang A, Wernecke J, Bahrmann A. Diabetes Mellitus at an Elderly Age. German Diabetes Association: Clinical Practice Guidelines Diabetologie 2020;15(Suppl 1):S112–S119.
  7. Landgraf R, Aberle J, Birkenfeld AL, et al. Therapie des Typ-2-Diabetes. DDG-Praxisempfehlung. Diabetologie 2020;15(Suppl 1):S65–S92.
  8. Neu A, Bürger-Büsing J, Danne T, et al. Diagnosis, Therapy and Follow-Up of Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adolescents. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2019;127(S 01):S39-S72.
  9. Pickup JC. Inflammation and activated innate immunity in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2004;27:813-823.
  10. Moulton CD, Pickup JC, Ismail K. The link between depression and diabetes: the search for shared mechanisms. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015;3:461-471.
  11. Biester T, Bratina N, Lange K, Biester S, Remus K, Thomas A, Danne T, Kordonouri O. Diabetesberatung zum Hybrid-AID-System bei Typ-1-Diabetes: neue Perspektiven und Therapieempfehlungen. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2020;15:147-156.
  12. Dehn-Hindenberg A, Lange K: Eltern von Kindern mit Typ-1-Diabetes: Folgen für Berufstätigkeit, psycho-soziale Belastungen und Bedarf an Unterstützungsleistungen – Ergebnisse der AMBA-Studie. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2019;14(S 01):S69.
  13. Kovacs Burns K, Nicolucci A, Holt RI, et al. Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs second study (DAWN2™): cross-national benchmarking indicators for family members living with people with diabetes. Diabet Med. 2013;30:778-788.
  14. Lange K, Kordonouri O. Kinder mit Diabetes in der Schule. Diabetologe 2021;17:463–474.
  15. Battelino T, Danne T, Bergenstal RM, et al. Clinical Targets for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Interpretation: Recommendations From the International Consensus on Time in Range. Diabetes Care. 2019;42:1593-1603.
  16. Pouwer F, Schram MT, Iversen MM, Nouwen A, Holt RIG. How 25 years of psychosocial research has contributed to a better understanding of the links between depression and diabetes. Diabet Med. 2020;37:383-392.
  17. Kulzer B, Albus C, Herpertz S et al. Psychosoziales und Diabetes (Teil 1). Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2013; a 8 (3): 198–242.
  18. Kordonouri O, Lange K, Biester T, et al. Determinants of glycaemic outcome in the current practice of care for young people up to 21 years old with type 1 diabetes under real-life conditions. Diabet Med. 2020;37:797-804.
  19. Nordentoft M, Rod NH, Bonde JP, et al. Effort-reward imbalance at work and risk of type 2 diabetes in a national sample of 50,552 workers in Denmark: A prospective study linking survey and register data. J Psychosom Res. 2020;128:109867.
  20. Zhou Y, Chi J, Lv W, Wang Y. Obesity and diabetes as high-risk factors for severe coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2021;37:e3377.
  21. Mansfield KE, Mathur R, Tazare J, et al. Indirect acute effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical and mental health in the UK: a population-based study. Lancet Digit Health. 2021;3:e217-e230.
  22. Gregg EW, Sophiea MK, Weldegiorgis M. Diabetes and COVID-19: Population Impact 18 Months Into the Pandemic [published online ahead of print, 2021 Jul 9]. Diabetes Care. 2021;dci210001. doi:10.2337/dci21-0001
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Kinder und Jugendliche mit Diabetes – aktuelle Versorgungssituation und Veränderungen der letzten 26 Jahre (S. 219-231)
  1. Hofer SE, Schwandt A, Holl RW. Standardized documentation in pediatric diabetology: experience from Austria and Germany. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2016;10:1042-1049.
  2. Larsson HE, Vehik K, Bell R, et al. Reduced Prevalence of Diabetes Ketoacidosis at Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in Young Children Participating in Longitudinal Follow-Up. Diabetes Care 2011;34:2347–2352
  3. Schöttler H, Auzanneau M, Best F, et al. Insulinpumpe, kontinuierliche und kapilläre Glukosemessung bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit Diabetesmellitus: Daten des DPV-Registers zwischen 1995 und 2019. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2020; 15:477-486.
  4. Karges B, Schwandt A, Heidtmann B, et al. Association of insulin pump therapy vs insulin injection therapy with severe hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis, and glycemic control among children, adolescents, and young adults with type 1 diabetes. JAMA 2017; 318:1358-1366.
  5. Auzanneau M, Karges B, Neu A, et al. Use of insulin pump therapy is associated with reduced hospital-daysin the long-term: a real-world study of 48,756 pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes. Eur J Pediatr 2021; 180:597-606.
  6. Kamrath C, Tittel SR, Kapellen TM, et al. Early versus delayed insulin pump therapy in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes: results from the multicentre, prospective diabetes follow-up DPV registry. Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2021;5:17-25.
  7. Auzanneau M, Rosenbauer J, Maier W, et al. Heterogeneity of Access to Diabetes Technology Depending on Area Deprivation and Demographics Between 2016 and 2019 in Germany. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2021; doi: 10.1177/19322968211028608 [im Druck].
  8. Grimsmann JM, von Sengbusch S, Freff M, et al. Glucose management indicator based on sensor data and laboratory HbA1c in people with type 1 diabetes from the DPV database: differences by sensor type. Diabetes Care 2020; doi: 10.2337/dc20-0259.
  9. Karges B, Kapellen T, Wagner VM, et al. Glycated hemoglobin A1c as a risk factor for severe hypoglycemia in pediatric type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes 2017;18(1):51-58.
  10. Haynes A, Hermann JM, Miller KM, et al. Severe hypoglycemia rates are not associated with HbA1c: a cross-sectional analysis of 3 contemporary pediatric diabetes registry databases. Pediatr Diabetes 2016;18(7):643-650.
  11. Clements MA, Schwandt A, Donaghue KC, et al. Five heterogeneous HbA1c trajectories from childhood to adulthood in youth with type 1 diabetes from three different continents: A group-based modeling approach. Pediatr Diabetes 2019;20:920-931.
  12. Sherr JL, Hermann JM, Campbell F, et al. Use of insulin pump therapy in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes and its impact on metabolic control: comparison of results from three large, transatlantic paediatric registries. Diabetologia 2016;59:87-91.
  13. Cherubini V, Grimsmann JM, Åkesson K, et al. Temporal trends in diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of paediatric type 1 diabetes between 2006 and 2016: results from 13 countries in three continents. Diabetologia 2020;63:1530-1541.
  14. Lange K, Hildebrandt S, Danne T. Diabetesversorgung in der Pädiatrie – Leitlinien und Realität. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2007;104:2121-2126.
  15. Lange K, Gocz A, Neu A on behalf of the German working group for paediatric diabetes (AGPD). Structure of paediatric diabetes care in Germany 1998-2008: increased centralization and qualification of multidisciplinary teams. Pediatric Diabetes 2010;11:47.
  16. Cameron FJ, Wherrett DK. Care of diabetes in children and adolescents: controversies, changes, and consensus. Lancet 2015;385:2096-2106.
  17. Karges B, Prinz N, Placzek K, et al. A comparison of familial and sporadic type 1 diabetes among young patients. Diabetes Care 2021;44:1116-1124.
  18. Prinz N, Tittel SR, Bachran R, et al. Characteristics of patients with type 1 diabetes and additional autoimmune disease in the DPV registry. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2021; doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgab376 [im Druck].
  19. Rosenbauer J, Neu A, Rothe U, et al. Types of diabetes are not limited to age groups: type 1 diabetes in adults and type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents. Journal of Health Monitoring 2019;4(2): doi: 10.25646/5987
  20. Warncke K, Kummer S, Raile K, et al. Frequency and characteristics of MODY 1 (HNF4AMutation) and MODY 5 (HNF1BMutation): analysis from the DPV database. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2019;104(3):845–855.
  21. Kapellen T, Müther S, Schwandt A, et al. Transition to adult diabetes care in Germany-High risk for acute complications and declining metabolic control during the transition phase. Pediatr Diabetes 2018; [im Druck].
  22. Bächle C, Scheuing N, Kruse J, et al. Gestörtes Essverhalten und Essstörungen bei Typ-1-Diabetes: Ein Zusammenspiel mit Relevanz für die Diabetestherapie? Diabetes, Stoffwechsel und Herz 2014;23(3):156-160.
  23. Hilgard D, Konrad K, Meusers M, et al. Comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents: Analysis based on the multicentre DPV registry. Pediatr Diabetes 2016;18(8):706-713.
  24. Plener PL, Molz E, Berger G, et al. Depression, metabolic control, and antidepressant medication in young patients with type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes 2015;16(1):58-66.
  25. Galler A, Hilgard D, Bollow E, et al. Psychological care in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in a real-world setting and associations with metabolic control. Pediatr Diabetes 2020; doi: 10.1111/pedi.13065.

Gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte des Diabetes mellitus (S. 232-240)
  1. Bächle CC, Holl RW, Straßburger K, Molz E, Chernyak N, Beyer P, Schimmel U, Rütschle H, Seidel J, Lepler R, Holder M, Rosenbauer J, Icks A. Costs of paediatric diabetes care in Germany: current situation and comparison with the year 2000. Diabet Med. 2012; 29:1327-1334.
  2. Brüne M, Linnenkamp U, Andrich S, Jaffan-Kolb L, Claessen H, Dintsios CM, Schmitz-Losem I, Kruse J, Chernyak N, Hiligsmann M, Hermanns N, Icks A. Health Care Use and Costs in Individuals With Diabetes With and Without Comorbid Depression in Germany: Results of the Cross-sectional DiaDec Study. Diabetes Care. 2021; 44(2): 407-415.
  3. Chernyak N, Jülich F, Kasperidus J, Stephan A, Begun A., Kaltheuner M, Icks A. Time cost of diabetes: Development of a questionnaire to assess time spent on diabetes self-care. J Diab Comp. 2017; 31(1): 260–266.
  4. Egede LE, Bishu KG, Walker RJ, Dismuke CE. Impact of diagnosed depression on healthcare costs in adults with and without diabetes: United States, 2004-2011. J Affect Disord. 2016; 195: 119-126.
  5. Egede LE, Walker RJ, Bishu K, Dismuke CE. Trends in costs of depression in adults with diabetes in the United States: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2004-2011. J Gen Intern Med. 2016; 31: 615-622.
  6. Hoffmann F, Claessen H, Morbach S, Waldeyer R, Glaeske G, Icks A. Impact of diabetes on costs before and after major lower extremity amputations in Germany. J Diab Comp. 2013; 27: 467-472.
  7. Huang CJ, Hsieh HM, Chiu HC, Wang PW, Lee MH, Li CY, Lin CH. Health care utilization and expenditures of patients with diabetes comorbid with depression disorder: a national population-based cohort study. Psychiatry Investig. 2017; 14: 770-778.
  8. Icks A, Claessen H, Strassburger K, Waldeyer R, Chernyak N, Jülich F, Rathmann W, Thorand B, Meisinger C, Huth C, Rückert I-M, Schunk M, Giani G, Holle R. Patient time costs attributable to healthcare use in diabetes: results from the population-based KORA survey in Germany. Diabet Med. 2013; 30: 1245-1249.
  9. Icks A, Haastert B, Arend W, Konein J, Thorand B, Holle R et al. Time spent on self management by people with diabetes: results from the population based KORA survey in Germany. Diabet Med. 2019; 36: 970-981.
  10. Icks A, Haastert B, Arend W, Konein J, Thorand B, Holle R, Laxy M, Schunk M, Neumann A, Wasem J, Chernyak N, Dintsios Ch--M. Patient time costs due to self-management in diabetes may be as high as direct medical costs: results from the population-based KORA survey FF4 in Germany. Diabet Med. 2020; 37(5): 895-897.
  11. International Diabetes Federation: Diabetes Atlas. 9th Edition. Brussels: International Diabetes Federation 2019.
  12. Jacobs E., Hoyer A., Brinks R, Icks A., Kuß O, Rathmann W. Healthcare costs of Type 2 diabetes in Germany. Diabet Med. 2017; 34(6): 855-861.
  13. Kähm K, Laxy M, Schneider U, Rogowski WH, Lhachimi SK, Holle R. Health Care Costs Associated With Incident Complications in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in Germany. Diabetes Care. 2018;41: 971-978.
  14. Kähm K., Stark R, Laxy M, Schneider U, Leidl R. Assessment of excess medical costs for persons with type 2 diabetes according to age groups: an analysis of German health insurance claims data. Diabet Med. 2020; 37(10): 1752-1758.
  15. Kitzmann F., Tidelski O, Bestehorn K. The development of costs for antidiabetics in statutory and private health insurance in Germany - an analysis of selected influencing factors. J Public Health. 2020; 28: 305-311.
  16. Kuhlmann A, Krüger H, Seidinger S, Hahn A. Cost-effectiveness and budget impact of the microprocessor-controlled knee C-Leg in transfemoral amputees with and without diabetes mellitus. Eur J Health Econ. 2020; 21: 437-449.
  17. König H, Rommel A, Baumert J, Schmitd C, König HH, Brettschneider C, Konnopka A. Excess costs of type 2 diabetes and their sociodemographic and clinical determinants: a cross-sectional study using data from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1). BMJ Open. 2021; 11: e043944.
  18. Köster I, Schubert I, Huppertz E. Fortschreibung der KoDiM-Studie: Kosten des Diabetes mellitus 2000–2009. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2012; 137: 1013-1016.
  19. Köster I, von Ferber L, Ihle P, Schubert I, Hauner H. The cost burden of diabetes mellitus: the evidence from Germany – the CoDiM Study. Diabetologia. 2006; 49: 1498-1504.
  20. Lehnert T, Konnopka A, Riedel-Heller S, König HH. Diabetes mellitus and comorbid depression: economic findings from a systematic literature review. Psychiatr Prax. 2011; 38: 369-375.
  21. Montalbo J, Ogurtsova K, Vomhof M, Icks A. Modellbasierte gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation der Diabetesprävention- Typ-2-Diabetes. Der Diabetologe. 2020; 16(3): 220-225.
  22. Radermacher L, Ponto K, Merkesdal S, Pomart V, Frommer L, Pfeiffer N, König J, Kahaly GJ. Type I Diabetes is the Main Cost Driver in Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol. 2020; 105(4): e1307-e1315.
  23. da Rocha Fernandes J, Ogurtsova K, Linnenkamp U, Guariguata L, Seuring T, Zhang P, Cavan D, Makaroff LE. IDF Diabetes Atlas estimates of 2014 global health expenditures on diabetes. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2016; 117: 48-54.
  24. Schöffski O, Graf von der Schulenburg JM (Hg.) (2012): Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationen. Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York: Springer.
  25. Ulrich S, Holle R, Wacker M, Stark R, Icks A, Thorand B, Peters A, Laxy M. Cost burden of type 2 diabetes in Germany: results from the population-based KORA studies. BMJ Open. 2016; 6(11): e012527.

Das Deutsche Zentrum für Diabetesforschung – Aktuelles aus der Wissenschaft (S. 241-247)
  1. Robert Wagner et al: Pathophysiology-based subphenotyping of individuals at elevated risk for type 2 diabetes. Nature Medicine. DOI:
  2. Zaharia, O. P. et al.: Risk of diabetes-associated di¬sea¬ses in sub¬groups of pa¬ti¬ents with recent-onset dia¬be¬tes: a 5-year follow-up study. In: Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, 2019, 7: 684-694 DOI: 10.1016/S2213-8587(19)30187-1.
  3. Herder C. et al.: Differences in Biomarkers of Inflammation Between Novel Subgroups of Recent-Onset Diabetes Diabetes. 2021 Feb 19;db201054. PMID: 33608423 DOI: 10.2337/db20-1054
  4. Original-Publikation:Wigger, L. et al.: Multi-omics profiling of living human pancreatic islet donors reveals heterogeneous beta cell trajectories toward type 2 diabetes. Nature Metabolism. DOI:10.1038/s42255-021-00420-9
  5. Ouni, M. et al.: Epigenetic Changes in Islets of Langerhans Preceding the Onset of Diabetes. Diabetes 2020;69:1–15 |
  6. Scholz, O. et al.: Peripherally active dextromethorphan derivatives lower blood glucose levels by targeting pancreatic islets. Cell Chemical Biology. 2021, 11 June, DOI:
  7. Ansarullah et al.: Inceptor counteracts insulin signalling in β-cells to control glycaemia. Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03225-8
  8. Ziegler, A. et al.: Yield of a public health screening of children for islet autoantibodies in Bavaria, Germany. JAMA, DOI:10.1001/jama.2019.21565

Warum ein Werbeverbot für süße und fettige Snacks längst überfällig ist (S. 255-260)
  1. Robert Koch-Institut: KiGGS Welle 2 (2014 – 2017) – Die zweite Folgeerhebung der „Studie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland“, 2018,
  2. Global-Burdon-of-Disease (GBD-Studie): Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study, 2017,
  3. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin: Adipositas bei Kindern: eine „stille“ Pandemie, 21.06.2021,
  4. PD Dr. Tobias Effertz: Kindermarketing für ungesunde Lebensmittel in Internet und TV, Universität Hamburg, 2021,
  5. Foodwatch e. V.: Report 2021. Junk-Fluencer. Wie McDonald’s, Coca-Cola & Co. in sozialen Medien Kinder mit Junkfood ködern, 2021,
  6. Robert Koch-Institut: „Fast Food-Konsum der Jugendlichen in Deutschland – Ergebnisse aus EsKiMo II“, 2020,
  7. Emond JA et al.: „Influence of child-targeted fast food TV advertising exposure on fast food intake: A longitudinal study of preschool-age children“, 2019,
  8. RA Prof. Dr. Remo Klinger: Rechtliche Stellungnahme zu Fragen der Regulierung des Kindermarketings beim Vertrieb von Lebensmitteln, 2020 im Auftrag von foodwatch e. V.,
  9. Zentralrat der Deutschen Werbewirtschaft (ZAW): Erweiterung der Selbstverpflichtung für Lebensmittelwerbung, 12.04.2021,
  10. Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft: Schärfere Regulierung für an Kinder gerichtete Lebensmittelwerbung, 12.04.2021,
  11. Dr. med. Peter von Philipsborn: Lebensmittelmarketing mit Kinderoptik und deren Bewerbung. Problemlage und Möglichkeiten der politischen Regulierung, 2021,
  12. Lindsey Smith Taillie, Marcela Reyes, M. Arantxa Colchero, Barry Popkin, Camila Corvalán: An evaluation of Chile’s Law of Food Labeling and Advertising on sugar-sweetened beverage purchases from 2015 to 2017: A before-and-after study, 2020,
  13. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada: What Are Other Countries Doing?, 2020,
  14. Der Spiegel: Großbritannien will Junkfood-Werbung im TV vor 21 Uhr verbieten, 24.06.2021,
  15. New advertising rules to help tackle childhood obesity (Pressemitteilung des britischen Gesundheitsministeriums), 24.06.2021,
  16. Bandy KL et a: Reductions in sugar sales from soft drinks in the UK from 2015 to 2018, 2020, BMC Medicine 18:20
  17. Forsa-Studie des Else Kröner-Fresenius-Zentrums für Ernährungsmedizin: Veränderung von Lebensstil und Ernährung vor dem Hintergrund der Corona-Pandemie, 2020, 2_Final.pdf
  18. PD Dr. Tobias Effertz, Susanne Engel, Frank Verheyen, Roland Linder: The costs and consequences of obesity in Germany: a new approach from a prevalence and life-cycle perspective, 2016,

Unverzichtbare Handlungsfelder aus Sicht der Menschen mit Diabetes – Probleme, Lösungen, Erfolge (S. 261-267)
  1. Cariou B, Hadjadj S, Wargny M, Pichelin M, Al-Salameh A, Allix I, Amadou C, Arnault G, Baudoux F, Bauduceau B, Borot S, Bourgeon-Ghittori M, Bourron O, Boutoille D, Cazenave-Roblot F, Chaumeil C, Cosson E, Coudol S, Darmon P, Disse E, Ducet-Boiffard A, Gaborit B, Joubert M, Kerlan V, Laviolle B, Marchand L, Meyer L, Potier L, Prevost G, Riveline JP, Robert R, Saulnier PJ, Sultan A, Thébaut JF, Thivolet C, Tramunt B, Vatier C, Roussel R, Gautier JF, Gourdy P; CORONADO investigators. Phenotypic characteristics and prognosis of inpatients with COVID-19 and diabetes: the CORONADO study. Diabetologia. 2020 Aug;63(8):1500-1515. doi: 10.1007/s00125-020-05180-x. Epub 2020 May 29. Erratum in: Diabetologia. 2020 Jul 2;: PMID: 32472191; PMCID: PMC7256180.
  3. DUT-Report 2020, Hrsg. B. Kulzer, L. Heinemann, Kirchheim Verlag
  8. DUT-Report 2020, Prof. Bernd Kulzer et. al

Diabetes mellitus in Deutschland – politische Handlungsfelder 2021/22 (S. 268-274)
  1. Schumm-Draeger P, Kapitza T, Mann K, Fölsch UR, Müller-Wieland D. Ökonomisierung in der Medizin - Rückhalt für ärztliches Handeln. Dtsch Ärztebl. 2017; 114: A2238-40. (cited 15.07.21)
  2. Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG), Empfehlungen der DDG zur Nationalen Diabetesstrategie: Welche konkreten Maßnahmen müssen nun folgen? Politische_Empfehlungen_DDG_2021.pdf. (cited 15.07.21)
  3. Gallwitz B, Kellerer M, Bitzer B, Müller-Wieland D, Neu A. Diabetes mellitus in Deutschland – Politische Handlungsfelder. In: Gesundheitsbericht Diabetes 2021, Kirchheim Vlg., Mainz 2020, S. 293-298
  4. Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG), Deutsches Zentrum für Diabetesforschung (DZD), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie (DGE). Gemeinsame Stellungnahme DDG / DZD / DGE zur Versorgung von Menschen mit Diabetes und endokrinen Erkrankungen. Ausbildungskapazitäten im Bereich Diabetologie und Endokrinologie müssen ausgebaut werden. (cited 15.07.21)
  5. Ziegler R, Neu A: Diabetes in childhood and adolescence – a guideline-based approach to diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Dtsch Ärztebl Int 2018; 115: 146-46. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2018.0146
  6. Müller-Wieland D, Ickrath M. Rahmenpapier für einen Code of Conduct Digital Health der Deutschen Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG) zur digitalen Transformation. (cited 15.07.21)
  7. Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG), diabetesDE – Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe, Verband der Diabetes Beratungs- und Schulungsberufe (VDBD). Nationale Diabetesstrategie –Kernpunkte eines nationalen Rahmenplans. Nationale Diabetesstrategie-Rahmenplan 2018 pdf. (cited 15.07.21)